1947 Harvester Trousers French asphalt The roots of our 1947 Harvester Trousers are in British Menswear. British mens´ Trousers in the 1920s had a slimmer leg compared to others...
1905 Hauler buxur Frönsk malbiksgrá Að bera, toga, draga. Þetta eru allt orð sem lýsa uppruna 1905 Hauler buxnana okkar. Í dag þurfa vinnubuxur að hafa ákveðna eiginleika í sniði...
1905 Hauler Pant Upland brown To haul, to pull, to carry, to drag. These are all words that very much indicate the origin of or 1905 Hauler Pant. The...
1942 Hunting Pant blue wabash The 1942 Hunting Pant blue wabash is made from high-quality Wabash selvage denim and feels most at home where it was once designed for...
1942 Hunting Pant grey wabash Our 1942 Hunting Pant grey wabash consists of wabash selvage denim and was made for the life outdoors. This is where it feels the...
The 1941 Utlity Pant is based on the legendary P41 Trousers of the USMC. It was the typical field and work attire for the USMC on the beginning of the...
Product information Our 1938 Cricketeer Jacket is a loose, half-belted, single-breasted jacket with box pleats on the back. This style was originally worn as a shooting jacket that didn`t restrict...
1941 Utility Jacket Tarawa The 1941 Utility Jacket is based on the legendary P41 jacket of the USMC. The P41 was the field jacket of the early 1940s in...
1905 Hauler Vest Upland brown In the early 19th century vests were worn in order to protect shirts from dirt and abrasion. Therefore vests had a fitted outline in...
1937 Roamer Vest blue wabash Our 1937 Roamer Vest wabash consists of wabash selvage denim and was made for the life outdoors. This is where it feels the most...
1937 Roamer Vest French asphalt Our 1937 Roamer Vest is a typical workwear vest from the 1930s. It has a regular fit which offers great comfort. Three outer pockets and...
1937 Roamer Vesti grey wabash Frá framleiðanda Our 1937 Roamer Vest wabash consists of wabash selvage denim and was made for the life outdoors. This is where it feels...